system.text.json ways to go about getting to the data how to get the data text.json you should use JsonDocument when


system.text.json ways to go about getting to the data how to get the data text.json you should use JsonDocument when -

/// You should use JsonDocument and its related types when:
/// The JSON would be too complex to represent in a POCO.
/// You need access to only a few specific parts of the JSON data.
/// You don’t know the format of the JSON or the JSON could have multiple formats.

// There are two ways to go about getting to the data that interests you. The first, if you know what you’re looking for,
// is to access the element directly through the DOM. You could for example do the following to get a known property:

// {"Topic":"Json Serialization Part 1","Part":1,"Author":"Marc","Co-Author":"Helen","Keywords":["json","netcore","parsing"]}
var blogPost = JsonDocument.Parse(stringifiedJson);
var topic = blogPost.RootElement.GetProperty("Topic").GetString();

//That works great for random access to a property that you know how to find. But what if you’re looking for a property that could be anywhere in the document? Or you need to read a particular property from each object in a JSON array? That’s where EnumerateObject and EnumerateArray come in. They can be used together to walk through any JsonDocument:

// {"Topic":"Json Serialization Part 1","Part":1,"Author":"Marc","Co-Author":"Helen","Keywords":["json","netcore","parsing"]}
var blogPost = JsonDocument.Parse(stringifiedJson);
// Find all authors, returns enumerable with "Marc", "Helen"
var authors = blogPost.RootElement.EnumerateObject()
                   .Where(it => it.Name.Contains("Author") && it.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.String);
// Find all keywords, returns enumerable with "json", "netcore", "parsing"
var keywords = blogPost.RootElement.EnumerateObject()
                  .Where(it => it.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Array && it.Name == "Keywords")
                  .SelectMany(it => it.Value.EnumerateArray().Select(that => that.GetString()));

// Serialization and deserialization are both expensive operations. The JsonDocument API is designed to keep allocations down a minimum, reducing the impact it has on your application.

